Endovenous Laser Ablation

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Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) is a short, minimally-invasive alternative to more invasive vein stripping procedures. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. It treats the underlying source for varicose veins.

A thin laser fiber is inserted into the vein and laser energy is applied to the vein after installment of cold tumescent anesthesia around the treated vein. Delivered in short pulses or continuous wave, the laser energy heats the vein from within, causing it to shrink, collapse and seal shut. From our experience and our own scientific research we concluded that the old-fashioned bare-tip fibers caused a significant amount of perforations resulting in more bruising and postoperative pain. From 2008 we introduced more safe and patient friendly innovations like the radial and never touch laser fiber. The long term results (> 95 % success) are well confirmed

Radial Fiber Endovenous Laser Treatment

The patented radial (360°) energy emission blunt tip ensures more homogenous laser heating and destruction of the vein wall, allowing immediate closure of the vein. By avoiding perforation of the vein wall and associated thermal irritation of the surrounding tissue, post-operative pain is minimized, as are bruising and other side-effects. Optimal monitoring and positioning of the fiber tip by our physicians is possible thanks to excellent ultrasound visibility.

NeverTouch Endovenous Laser Treatment

The new NeverTouch gold-tip laser fiber establishes a new standard for patient comfort, visibility and ease of use. The gold-tip fiber eliminates laser tip contact with the vein wall, which in turn minimizes perforations of the vein wall that typically result in pain and bruising as compared to traditional bare-tip fibers. The gold-tip also maximizes ultrasonic visibility, making it easier for our physicians to use.

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